Jenne's Summer Adventures, 2006

I hope to update this page regularly with pictures from my summer research job at Caltech, and then my study abroad in Rome. I hope you enjoy them!

My Blog for the Honors Study Abroad in Rome (2006 Aug 21 - Sept 21)

The Official Honors Study Abroad in Rome Blog (2006 Aug 21 - Sept 21)

Caltech Stuff!

My First Weekend at Caltech! (2006 June 19)

The Library (2006 June 25)

The Lab (2006 June 29)

4th of July Weekend (2006 July 1-4)

Saturday with my Uncles and their Families (2006 July 8)

Too Many Fire Alarms! (2006 July 15)

Jet Propulsion Labratories (2006 July 27)

A great field trip up to Hanford, Washington (2006 August 3-4)

Rome! This section isn't nearly as well separated into days. It is still vaguely in order though...

First Few Days in Rome

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